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Marketing & Campaign Management

Your business would not exist without customers and its usually difficult (if not impossible) to acquire new customers without performing some kind of marketing. Despite these two obvious statements very few businesses have a system in place that enables them to track marketing campaigns or even monitor the response to campaigns.

The campaign/marketing module can also be used in conjunction with Legrand CRM's personalised communication functions including mail merge, email, SMS & fax functions. Examples include generating personalised letters or emails in bulk to be sent as the basis for the campaign.

Note: This module has a number of other applications associated with list management including managing event invitation and respondents as well as tracking course enrolments and attendees. Contact us for more information on potential suitability to your requirements.

With Legrand CRM's campaign/marketing module you can:

bullet-point.png Create & define marketing campaigns - Whilst this module is designed for tracking the management and analysis of marketing campaigns it can also be utilised for other functions. An example of this is using the targets/respondents feature to track individuals invited and RSVP's to events.

bullet-point.png Track campaign specifics - Record the Start/End dates of the campaign, budgeted cost and estimated revenue, and use two user-definable fields for further information.

bullet-point.png Implementation – manage the implementation of a campaign by linking Tasks and Appointments to the campaign and record notes. This enables users to initially track work related to a particular campaign then retrospectively analysis the extent of work that was required to complete the campaign in order assess against its effectiveness.

bullet-point.png Targets – if the campaign is a direct marketing campaign whereby you target a specific list of contacts with a promotional offer – e.g. an upgrade offer to past customers – you can very easily assign the list of targeted contacts to the marketing campaign.

bullet-point.png Respondents – once the campaign is underway Legrand CRM easily enables you to record every person that responds to the campaign; at all times you know exactly how many people have responded.

bullet-point.png Sales Opportunities – When looking at a marketing campaign record you can immediately see all the sales opportunities that were created as a result of the campaign.

bullet-point.png Utilise list functions – In addition to creating, managing and reporting on marketing and campaign functions, Legrand allows for seamless utilisation of this information and contact lists associated with them.

bullet-point.png Communications – Personalised communications can easily be sent to campaign contacts. This enables users to leverage the powerful mail merge, personalised email and fax functions within Legrand CRM to send personalised communications to any number of contacts as within a few simple clicks.

With Legrand CRM you can look back at your past marketing campaigns and, at a glance, see how much it cost, how many people responded, how many sales opportunities were created, how many sales were closed. With this historical data at hand you can make informed decisions about future marketing activities.

Other applications for the campaigns module

The module also has a number of other applications. Many sites, for example, use this module for events management. Users can generate a list of invitees then track which contacts have provided an RSVP to the event thereby managing attendee lists and any special notes.

Some sales organisations of high value products and services also use this module to track any contacts that have expressed an interest in the unit. The module enables them to track their level of interest, whether they are a genuine prospect and, by creating linked opportunities (a sales pipeline module within Legrand CRM).